Monday, April 30, 2012


We were so lucky this Easter to have Grandma Nancy, Grandpa Brent, Aunt Suise and Uncle Eric come for the weekend! Of coarse we had to take them on our favorite hike here in Grand Junction, Devils kitchen. Here is a picture of our little sherpa Sofie and Aunt Susie who ran ahead of us and climbed up to this cave and suprised us all when we came around the corner.

Taking the easy way home.... with Grandpa Brent

Grandma Nancy getting the camera ready

When we got back from the hike we had a fun Easter egg hunt planned with our friends the Ross's. Here is Sofie and Tilly with all their loot.

Me, Sarah, and Anna- the brains behind the operation

All the little egg hunters.

Easter day- all in our matching Easter outfits. I actually have never done this on Easter before, gotten matching outfits that is. So I had to make sure and get a picture.

A fun family photo

The little rascals with their mouths full of Easter candy

Of coarse Sofie was so excited for the Easter bunny she woke up on at like 4:30 seeing if the Easter bunny had come. She was also sleeping in the same room as Grandma and so early in the morning Grandma thought she heard a mouse in the room crinkling paper. When she looked it was Sofie who had gone down and gotten her basket and was wasting no time breaking into the candy. So grandma was just hoping she would stay quiet enough to not wake up Luke who was also sleeping in the room. But Sofie just couldn't hold the excitement to herself and woke up Luke exclaiming, "Luke we got the Muppets!" Luke who has not taken the same excitement to the Easter bunny fell back asleep. So I went upstairs to see what all the comotion was and it was so cute, when I walked in the room Sofie looked at me and said "Mom, it's a miracle, we got the Muppets." So there you have it miracles do happen.

Just leaving you with this cool dude or rascal as his shirt says.


Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

Looks like you guys have had a fun-filled winter! Can't wait until you guys are a bit closer so we can see you more often.

Jennifer Kendall said...

So fun... I love the matching outfits. They are the best!

Matt & AmyBeth said...

Charlie saw a picture of Sofie the other day and he said "she is BEAUTIFUL... I miss her" it was darling. I miss you all