Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy 10 years!!!!

10 years married and still kinda hugging. . . hahah.
But seriously couldn't have had a better 10 year anniversary in Hawaii!

Half the time we were there was spent on Oahu, mostly for an ortho conference- yes romantic I know. While there we got to see a big paddle board competition going on. 

Not a paddle board but a surf board. Spencer had to go so far out to catch a wave I couldn't see a thing so I just have to believe him that he actually caught a wave. ummm huuu sure ya did babe!

Wow my eyes are really freaky! Anyways Spencer brought up a great point while in Hawaii..."If you are going to be a bum (or street performer) why not do it in Hawaii!!!!

So the rest and most romantic part of the trip was spent on the super beautiful Island of Kauai. We were told the best way to see the Island, especially since there is only 1 main road with a few small roads that skirt the outside of the Island, was to go on a helicopter ride. And it was all I expected and more....

Except when we got to this gorgeous waterfall, used in the filming of Jurassic park, when the pilot turned on Jurassic park music and started going buck wild in the helicopter! Lets just say my motion sickness plus being 20 weeks pregnant and I couldn't keep it in. I threw up all over the place! SOOO embarrassing since there were 2 other couples on the helicopter and I am sure I totally ruined the ride for them. Plus I sat right behind the pilot and I heard him, after the flight, call his wife and ask her to bring a new shirt because he got thrown up on. Oh I was humiliated!!! 

Even with that mishap it was still the most beautiful scenery and one of my favorite things we did.

Lots of rainbows since it's a rain forest.

I was sooo excited to see the Nepali coast and that is when I started throwing up! I missed pretty much the whole coast line but luckily Spencer was able to get this shot off for me.

Pretty Lagoon area on the Northern side of the Island.

This was way cool. This is inside an extinct volcano where there was TONS of waterfalls. The pilot said it is usually to rainy and cloudy that most people can't go inside!

More breath taking scenery.

Besides the Helicopter ride this was the best part of the vacation, just hanging out between the pool and the ocean reading a book!

This is a view from our Hotel Pool! Makes me want to go back so bad!

We'll that's a little better hug.

Spencer, "Get out of here!" hahaha (He said he didn't know what to do with his hand.


We did a 16 mile hike that half way through led us to this private little beach.

The final hike destination was this huge waterfall!!

A little bamboo forest on the way down.

Lovely little beach shot.

Now here is the paddle board action. Spencer was catching on fast but was still told to leave the big wave area where the locals where.... rude! Don't be dissin my man's hard core paddle skills. :)

The Grand Canyon of Hawaii. Seriously a cool island because of all the beautiful stuff to see!

Wait where is my parachute?

Notice our hugs are getting better as the trip progresses. I put a hand on his leg in this one!!! Let's just say this was just the rekindling we needed for our 10 year anniversary. hahaha
Just one more picture for me to remember this super awesome trip by.

Now the down and dirty of the trip. Yes Spencer still made sure to get some road biking in on vacation! Which brought about this nice shiner as his bike slid out from under him on a tight curve.
More scrapes.

A different bike ride. This time no wounds, luckily.

The climb on this bike ride started at sea level and he climbed as you can see on the sign over 5,000 feet! Doesn't sound like my kind of vacation but I guess that's how he keeps those buns looking so good in spandex!

One last picture on his bike ride down.

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