Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baggie Taggie

I have been tagged by my good friend Kristi. I guess I am supposed to take a picture of my purse and all the contents in it and explain what they are. The rules are you are not to remove anything from your bag once you have been tagged. Luckily though I cleaned it out last week or this could have been a really long E-mail. So I got my purse while on our recent cruise it is one of those knock off hand bags where I talked that lady down from $60 to $30. I sure she bought it for like 5 dollars but I hadn't bought a purse since before I was married so it was really over due.

So I guess we are supposed to go through what is in our bag. So First I will start at the most important item that must always be restocked when gone- that is the rasins. As far as Sofie is concerned rasins are like fruit snacks and they can keep her quiet in the grocery cart for at least 5 minutes :). Then there are tissues- I wish I could say it's for all the chick flicks Spencer and I go to but we all know that story is just tooo good to believe. Then there are my glasses that I never were but should. (Watch out if you see our green Honda accord on the road). Then there is of coarse a diaper- with no wipes- I guess she is not allowed to go #2 while we are out and about. Then there is a grocery list- I'm suprised it is so short usually I try to wait until every single thing is gone from the house before I go to the grocery store. In case you haven't already noticed I have the driest lips in the midwest, but I was actually suprised it was in here because I have looked a million times for it and can never find it when I need it. Then there are a few reciepts and loose papers. Last but not least I have my work badge. You probably can't see the picture on it but if you could you might not believe it was me. It was taken 4 years ago and lately every patient and parent at work has been poking fun at it. I hope it was just a bad picture and I wasn't really that dorky looking. Well there you have it my baggie taggie. I think I am supposed to tag some people so first I going to start with my sisters Kathi and Anne. Then I will move onto my friend Jessica Johnson, Michelle Frandsen, Lori Luff, and Lexi Sautter. Don't dissapoint me guys.


Lacey said...

Cute Bag Steph! I'm back to diaper bags now with a newborn so I'm a little jealous!

Kim said...

I love your purse.....that's so funny because I too have not yet boughten a new purse since we've been married. I had one in my cart today at Target, but put it back...I am trying to find that perfect one I guess...I don't know why I'm being so picky...I would love to rid myself of the diaper bag

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

Wow, you caught me on a good day. I've got so much crap in my purse right now, this tag's going to take a while. It will give me a good reason to clean out my purse. By the way, that is a cute purse. It's good to know I'm not the only one who owns one or two purses and not 45. Who has time to transfer their stuff from bag to bag to bag! Not me! Okay, I'll try and make some time to do this tag and tidy up my purse at the same time!

Laura said...

love your cute!! looks like you're becoming a photo shop pro!!