Thursday, July 1, 2010


We just HAD to take another trip to Colorado to visit Brandon and Tina. We just get so spoiled when we are there and we never want to leave. It's so beautiful there.

We drove to the top of Pike's peak and the elevation change is so drastic we were all dressed for warm weather when we got to the top it was freezing so we ran to the edge grabbed a picture and then headed out.

One of the many beautiful scenic vistas on the drive to pike's peak

We tried to dare our Nephew to get into the almost frozen over lake, he thought about it for like 1 second.

Sofie couldn't get enough of her cousins.

Look at the beautiful mountains in the back.

I bet that hurt coming out :)

Notice Spencer's fresh mountain biking wound- always pushing the limits and leaving me a nervous wreck.

Notice Sofie covering her face the fire was so hot you could barley roast a mallow- but such a fun idea.

One last action shot- Sofie on the slip and slide.
I have 2 more post's coming of our Kansas City trip and our Northwest trip and I have Luke pulling at my legs crying and it's time to make dinner- always planning on getting more done than I accomplish so I will just put
To be continued . . . . .


Ben and Michelle said...

Love all the pictures. I am glad you guys had a great time. I love the picture of Luke eating sand.....funny.

Rachel said...

Colorado is Beautiful. The longer we're here, the more nice places we find to see. It's always fun to get away although it's NEVER long enough.

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

Just so you know, Winnie told Amos he can't marry Sofie because she is his cousin. I think we may have a love triangle on our hands! Oh, and your trip pictures are great.