It has been so fun watching Luke's little personality come out. He is, for the most part, pretty easy going but yet he has a little temper on him. He has started getting to the point where he runs from Sofie or tries to fend for himself. I only worry about that because I see it rubbing off on other kids like, grabbing things away or letting out a shrill if he feels them creeping in on him etc. He is such a homebody though. I remember Sofie at this age hated to be held, always wanted to be put down so she could explore. Luke is so chill- he loves being carted around and never wants to be put down. He isn't walking. He is so stubborn because he could walk if he wanted. We have been working with him, and he would stand alone so good but WOULD NOT for the life of him take a single step. So he has this fetish for straws, which is usually a nuisance like when I am trying to watch Sofie at gymnastics and I look over to see him drinking some random person's sonic drink- anyways we put some juice in a cup with a straw and the first time he walked he took 11 steps sat down- didn't even fall down- and started drinking his juice. That is our little Luke's personality coming out, cracks me up.
Here is a little man that likes to get down with it. Sorry it's sideways wasn't thinking about that when I was recording and of coarse this isn't the best shot of him doing his favorite thing- backing it up- but I can never get the best moments on camera- anyways enjoy!
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