Well our Thanksgiving break started out with another fun visit with our friends the Frandsen's from Kansas City. We actually met them in Dallas and went to the Dallas world aquarium. I was hoping it was going to be something really cool since the admission is kind of steep- and I wasn't let down. It was made to look like a jungle and there were monkeys in the open trees with waterfalls and rivers filled with all sorts of fish and reptiles. They also had a glass tunnel with sharks.
Of coarse we did more fun things with the Frandsen's and had a great Thanksgiving dinner and I didn't take any pictures!!! One thing I did that I don't remember doing for a long time was going shopping on Black Friday. For so long I had thought that there was a few great deals that go when the doors open and that is really just a ploy to get people to come into their store while everything else is close to normal price. So for all these years I have not taken advantage of the Black Friday sales. We first went to Target and I felt like people were just throwing anything in their cart that had a sale sticker on it, so I made sure to tell myself to not become like that when the next thing I know we are at the Disney store and I am going buck wild with the princess paraphernalia- When I got home a realized all the things I got I was feeling a little sheepish. But over all I thought there really were some good deals.
I do want to say in the thanksgiving season how thankful I am for all my blessing. I truly feel like the Lord takes really good care os us by giving us so many really great friends and family- thank you everyone for your kindness to us!
Tagged again- I am just worried I might not have enough adult answers. Sometimes I feel like I've gotten so lost in the daily life tasks I've forgotten what I really like but we will give it a go
Crazy 8's tag
8 TV shows I Love: (even though I hardley ever watch TV- but when I do it's:)
1. The Office
2. I did like heros until like 3 weeks ago when I was just totally lost
3. Family Fued- as you will see I am a game show junkie
4. Deal or no Deal
5. Who wants to be a millionaire
6. Iron Chef
7. Untamed and uncut- (animal attacks caught on tape)
8. Any makeover shows
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. P.F. Changs
2. Elvaqero (even though it's only in Ohio :()
3. Olive Garden
4. I love chineese and I really like all those little whole in the wall places that seem to be owned by the same people- like the Great wall
5. City BBQ
6. Panera bread
7. Texas Road house
8. Mongolian BBQ
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Ben and Michelle left :(
2. We put up our Christmas tree
3. Spencer put up the lights on the house
4. We watched the OU- Oklahoma State game
5. I got to talk to my good friend Lori on the phone, two sisters, and my mom
6. Did Laundry (I know exciting)
7. Took an hour and a 1/2 nap- Heavenly
8. Drove around some neighborhoods checking out the christmas lights
8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Going home for Christmas!
2. One day getting a real paycheck
3. Finishing the Twilight series- I only have like 20 pages left
4. Sofie being potty trained
5. Sofie's face on Christmas morning
6. My hair being long again someday
7. Someday living close to family
8. Being back in the mountains
8 people I tag:
1. Lexie Sautter
2. Jen Olsen
3. Michelle Frandsen
4. Lori Luff
5. Melanie Lee- this is an effort to get you to post some pictures as well :)
6. Karen Berhmann
7. Kim Hansen
8. Kristi Gailey